This is from the same people, I think, who brought us the duck in the bathroom.
This time around it’s a useful reminder not to leave wads of cash lying around on the floor when you move house. So easily done. You’re busy wrapping up Granny’s china in old newspapers, desperate to make sure the pot plants don’t get crushed in the kerfuffle and, before you know it, you’ve walked out the door leaving stacks of dough just sitting there on your impossibly shiny floor. It happens all the time.
So hats off to these people, whoever they are, for alerting us to a common and yet easily-preventable mishap.
Just look at the poor people in this real-life example. The removalist is practically on his way, wheeling his empty trolley into the back of his truck, but look what he’s forgotten to take with him. How much has been left behind? Well, there are six piles of nine bundles with, say, $10,000 in each bundle so that’s over half a million dollars just sitting there. An unexpected bonus for the next occupants, for sure.
One can only hope that, at the last moment, the removalist happens to glance behind him and notice half a million dollars neatly stacked in the middle of an empty room. Or perhaps he comes back for one final check, wandering around just to make sure, with that nagging, ill-defined presentiment he’s forgetting something – as you do, moving from room to room, checking and double checking but never quite able to put your finger on what it is you know you’ve forgotten. Ah well, it’ll come back to you. Can’t be anything very important.
Oh, but if you only knew…
So, stick this reminder on your fridge (assuming it hasn’t already been carted away), put it on the mantelpiece – whatever – and hopefully you’ll never have to suffer the embarrassment of accidentally mislaying half a million dollars.