Supermarket receipt

Another day and another scrap of paper where it doesn’t really belong on the banks of a local river.

To be fair, there is far more plastic than paper blighting this stretch of the river and, in theory, posing more of an environmental menace in terms of life-span and biodegradability. One decent rainstorm and this little docket would be little more than pulp.

But that’s not the point is it?

It’s also true that if this was a map or something more intriguing than a humble supermarket receipt, then perhaps I wouldn’t be looking at it quite so askance.

But it isn’t, and I am.

I guess I just don’t understand how something like this came to be somewhere like here.

Was somebody just walking along beside the river with their supermarket shopping and decided they desperately needed to rid themselves of any evidence as to how much they had spent? GET AWAY receipt.

Or did it find itself liberated in the car park of the local supermarket and then carried by the prevailing winds, undamaged, until it came to be lodged in the branches of this little bush?

What is it doing here?

OK, so it’s only a little slip of paper, something so inconsequential as to be barely worth worrying about – let’s get our priorities right – but then again maybe this is a case of being able to see a world in a grain of sand. This little coloured chit, unloved and in the wrong place, represents a microcosm of the paper world.

You can’t have all the nice ephemera – coolphemera – without the nasties too. However incongruous this item may seem, it’s not unique – and that’s the problem.

shredded paper