Japanese ephemera

To visit Japan is to enter a world of ephemera. From the first moment of arrival and the initial purchase of a train ticket, every transaction that follows serves to generate a seemingly endless supply of chits and vouchers, invoices and receipts, pamphlets, brochures and information sheets.

It’s like a flashback to a time, and a culture, when paper still played the dominant role as a carrier of information, when even the simplest of interactions involved the transfer of paper of some kind.

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Why Dead Paper?

Gone but not forgotten, most of the items in Dead Paper have since been recycled (as have many of the ideas).

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The Waste Paper Baskets

Print – flyers, leaflets, catalogues and brochures. Some people call it junk

Packaging – all sorts of boxy paper for holding things

Publishing – newspapers and magazines, what we used to read before the internet

More paper – not everything ends up in the recycling

shredded paper