Dead laundry basket No. 16

Another dead laundry basket

It’s all in black and white.

Clearly though there has been a misclassification here. The black basket is not a laundry basket per se but rather a shopping basket which may have been moonlighting as a laundry basket (a little bit of extra carrying on the side), or has been placed here by virtue of being another type of basket, or simply by coincidence, thereby generating the rather obvious juxtaposition of black and white objects. So what’s it to be?

I’m inclined towards the latter. It is possible to use a shopping basket as a laundry basket but why would you, particularly when you already have a perfectly serviceable laundry basket which can hold a lot more? Why would you need a supplementary basket, especially one so small and ill-suited to the task? It makes no sense. Equally, it is possible that someone has decided to rid themselves of two baskets simultaneously but unlikely, I feel, because they are baskets, as in “I’m throwing out one basket so I might as well make it two”. That seems like a case of basket over-kill.

So my best guess is that they just happen to be two dead baskets, one of which may be been used for the purposes of ‘doing the laundry’ while the other was used for other non-specialised carrying and storage activities, albeit initially for the purposes of carrying shopping. Somehow they ended up here together, either by accident or design, lending themselves to the demonstration of a simple dualism.

Check out the rest of the dead laundry baskets here.


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